

A benchmarking library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms, supports high-resolution timers, and returns statistically significant results.


0 deps 0 devDeps

Dependencies mismatch

  • metadata

This package has inconsistent dependencies in the tarball's package.json


Scripts mismatch

  • metadata

This package has inconsistent scripts in the tarball's package.json


Prerelease version

  • metadata

The domain of the maintainer's email address ([email protected]) was re-registered after the latest release (2.1.4) of this package. It could be that an attacker leveraged the domain by re-registering it to compromise the maintainer's NPM account


Zero Version

  • metadata

This package version is 0.X.Y: the semver spec mandates those versions for initial development meaning that anything may change at any time and the public API of this package should not be considered stable.


This version does not use dependencies.

Behavioural monitoring and security for npm packages

Monitor every change in your dependency tree and automatically block malicious packages from entering your codebase. Safeguard your projects by using lstn in GitHub.